Monday, December 14, 2009

I've been a busy bee...and it's been HEAVEN!

You have to admit...finding something you love to do and calling it your job is H E A V E N!

Now, technically writing for children isn't my "job" because I haven't connected with just the right agent and editor...but all in due time...all in due time. But I do write for moms, so in a '6 degrees of Kevin Bacon' sort of way, I am writing for kids...through their moms! ha!

People ask me how I don't get discouraged by working for over 4 years and not having anything between the covers of a kids book to stake my claim.

Well, last night I pulled out some of my very first manuscripts as I was in search for stories to rejuvenate. That was an eye-opener!! I hadn't realized how far I had come in these past 4 years. And I have those rejections to thank for that learning curve! That's exactly why I am not discouraged!

I have also had some AMAZING authors and illustrators as my counsel over these past few years. There is nothing comparable to the world of a writer when it comes to the generosity of strangers. When you read someone's book over and over, you don't feel like THEY are strangers but they don't know you from Adam...and yet, when I shyly asked for help or an opinion, they pulled out all the stops and lengthy conversations and some good friendships formed!

It is awesome to have talents like Peter H. Reynolds, Verla Kay, Margot Finke, Elizabeth O. Dulemba, Laurie Halse Anderson and Jane Yolen in my back packet. Some I have spoken to once or twice and a few I can honestly call, "friend."

I am in HEAVEN! My hope is that one day, children will be inspired by my words and images on a page. And I believe Hope is in Heaven!


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